The last thing any person wants to endure is dental pain. However, sometimes that pain leads to patients wondering, “What is a dental emergency?” When you are experiencing persistent pain or have a chipped or broken tooth, you might feel like what you are experiencing is a dental emergency. Splendid Dental Woodlands can answer your questions and guide you through emergency dental services.
How to Tell if It Is a Dental Emergency
According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, we learn that 22% of the population has either experienced dental or oral pain during the past six months. Some of these pain conditions lead to or are the result of dental emergencies. Because not every situation is a dental emergency, it helps to know precisely what is a dental emergency. To help determine if you have a dental emergency, ask yourself the following questions:
- Do you have persistent pain or a severe toothache?
- Did one of your teeth fall out?
- Is there an abscess or infection present?
- Are you experiencing bleeding from your mouth?
Typically, most dental problems require immediate treatment to address pain, save teeth, or stop bleeding. It is not uncommon for a dental patient to experience swelling in your gums or throughout the face if there an infection present. When answering any of the questions above in the affirmative, that could constitute a dental emergency needing immediate care.
How to Tell if You Do Not Have a Dental Emergency
Just as important as knowing what a dental emergency is, you should also understand what is not. For example, if the issue is one that can wait for a few days until your Splendid Dental Woodlands dentist can address the issue, then it is not a dental emergency. Even though you might believe you are experiencing a critical situation, that does not always mean it is an emergency.
For instance, if you chip a tooth and it leaves behind a sharp or jagged surface, that is a dental emergency. That tooth fracture can be extremely painful, and the sharp area could damage the inside of your mouth. However, if the tooth you chip is not sharp or painful, then you are not experiencing a dental emergency. However, calling to schedule an appointment with Splendid Dental Woodlands is the smart thing to do to keep it from becoming an emergency. We provide cosmetic dentistry you’ll need to repair your teeth.
If you have an issue with a filling or one of your crowns, you might be able to wait a few days to address it with your dentist. You can use a piece of paraffin wax to cover the affected area if you lose a filling. If your crown comes off, you can use denture adhesive to put it back into place temporarily.
Understanding What Is a Dental Emergency
When you are trying to answer the question, “what is a dental emergency,” that often extends into understanding the most common types of these emergencies. They include the following examples:
- A tooth getting knocked out
- Chipped or cracked teeth
- Tooth abscesses
- Persistent dental pain
Avoiding Dental Emergencies
Even though it seems like dental emergencies present themselves out of nowhere, there are some warning signs and preventative measures you can take. First, make sure you are visiting your dentist regularly for hygiene and check-ups. These visits include an examination determining if any problems exist.
Your dentist also develops a custom plan that not only addresses dental problems but also helps prevent problems from developing into a dental emergency. During this action plan, pay attention to what your teeth are telling you by watching for signs that could lead to problems in the future.
Dental emergencies can still happen beyond that of good hygiene and dental check-ups. You can help prevent many of them by wearing mouthguards when playing sports. Wearing nightguards to prevent teeth cracking in your sleep and using caution if you are working around heavy objects are also useful preventative measures.
Treat Dental Emergencies at Splendid Dental Woodlands
Please don’t wait to suffer a dental emergency before seeking treatment at Splendid Dental Woodlands. We offer a range of comprehensive dental services which can assist people of all ages. For example, our services include:
When you are trying to answer, “what is a dental emergency,” that often leads to wondering about the common types of these emergencies. If you believe that you suffer from a dental emergency, you should not have to experience that pain or those worries without support. Contact us at 713-587-9996 to learn more about emergency dental services and how we can help.